plasma2 (2).png

Death in a Dream of Plasma 2

Digital Drawing 2200 x 2347 pixels


For me the Plasma Ball represents a mode of travel through many different perceived “realities” in my life. Digital, Physical, Life, Death, and Dreams. For as long as I can remember, my Baba had a Plasma ball on her coffee table. I was obsessed with the thing. There it is in the Physical world. When I was really young, I remember having a dream where I was in a dark, circular room with a Plasma Ball sitting on a table on the other end of a huge pit in the center of the room. I started walking towards the ball, and fell into the pit to my death. There it is in the Dream world. In January of 2020, my Baba passed away. Now the Plasma Ball belongs to me, and sits in my house. It makes me think of her and also of death. There it is in the world of Death. By creating digital art pieces of them, I have now brought the Plasma Ball into the Digital world.


Death in a Dream of Plasma 1


Death in a Dream of Plasma 3